If these two benefits have somehow still not convinced you yet to book a massage treatment, here are three more fun facts about massages, that you may need to take into consideration as well:
1. Pets can benefit from massages too
Like humans, our pets respond in a positive way to massage therapy. Massaging our pets can help alleviate pain, reduce stress and encourage an all over sense of well-being for our animals.
2. A one hour massage is equal to 7-8 hour sleep.
Studies have shown that a one hour massage equates to about 7-8 hours’ sleep for your body. So, if you are feeling run down and exhausted, perhaps your body is just begging you for a massage?
3. Yes, we do legs!
Have you ever wondered if there was any other areas of the body you could have treated other than your back and neck? Although, those are likely the most common areas that people get massages for, massage therapist can work practically anywhere you have muscle. Legs, feet, arms, hands, scalp, jaw and face or glutes are all areas you could work on at your next visit.
Even if the topic of this newsletter is aimed at athletes, we believe that everyone can benefit from a massage! So, whether you're a professional athlete, a fitness enthusiast, or rather someone who prefers to watch sports from the comfort of their couch, consider pampering yourself by scheduling your next appointment with us today.